My Archimedes Quiz


what is it ?

If you wish to answer to a Quiz Question given by your own Archimedes,
or have other players to answer to a Quiz Question given by a chosen Archimedes,
you can make a customized code.

And then, add the page to your favorite, or make a MY ARCHIMEDES QUIZ button.

When you click on the button, the chosen Archimedes is the first one to be selected
from the 1118 Archimedes.
Then, if you wish to get an other Archimedes to be selected randomly,
you can click on the button


make your own MY ARCHIMEDES QUIZ code

  • Note the chosen Archimedes ID
    Go to the horse page, and on top of your screen, in the address box, you will see :
    If it's your horse:
    If it's another player's horse:

  • 9575467 is the horse ID (it's a number to identify the horse)
  • Enter the ID number below
HORSE ID maximum 8-figure number