Archimedes Quiz questions & answers

Here are 142 Questions and Answers to the howrse Quiz, from Archimedes pages.
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142 Questions with good answer

The questions are displayed in alphabetical order

If a horse refuses a jump two times in Olympic Show Jumping, the horse and rider are:
Sent by Archimedes - Proposed by : SpunOutQuarterHorses

If someone falls off while you're riding you should do what?
Stop your horse until the situation is under control
Sent by Archimedes - Proposed by : jackjack7747

If your riding instructor says, “shorten up”, what is he or she most likely referring to?
Your reins
Sent by Archimedes - Proposed by : Dancy

In horses, colic usually occurs in what body part?
Sent by Archimedes - Proposed by : altera

In order to help a thin horse to gain weight, what should you add to its diet?
Sent by Archimedes - Proposed by : sarahmc

In the western discipline what is the equivalent of a trot?
Sent by Archimedes - Proposed by : Torino

In the wild several young stallions may combine to form a small herd. What is this herd called?
Bachelor Band
Sent by Archimedes - Proposed by : HoofnPaw

In what discipline are double bridles most often used?
Sent by Archimedes - Proposed by : sabreQH

In which breed is the coat pattern skewbald acceptable for registration?
Paint Horse
Sent by Archimedes - Proposed by : laura94

Long, sloping pasterns help a horse to have what?
Bad feet
Sent by Archimedes - Proposed by : Ranchhand

Mange is a very contagious disease, what causes it?
Several species of mites.
Sent by Archimedes - Proposed by : dogjeff5369

Moldy hay can be fed when?
Never, you shouldn't feed a horse moldy hay
Sent by Archimedes - Proposed by : bezo93

My horse makes funny sounds when he is breathing, and his neck is swollen. What could it be?
Sent by Archimedes - Proposed by : Jennybobenny

Name the name of rare horse?
Sent by cole sprouse - Proposed by : cole sprouse

Originally, Shire horses were used to draw carts to deliver what?
Ale to Pubs and Taverns
Sent by Archimedes - Proposed by : Tiney

Riding your horse without a saddle is called what?
Sent by Daereon - Proposed by : lioness77

Teaser stallions are used to help...
Determine when mares in heat are ready to be bred
Sent by Archimedes - Proposed by : anned

The skill of horse riding is known as what?
Sent by Archimedes - Proposed by : detta

The Tennessee Walking Horse is famous for which of the following gaits?
The running walk
Sent by Archimedes - Proposed by : tierra

This should start within 10 minutes of birth.
Suckle reflex
Sent by Archimedes - Proposed by : sarahmc

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08

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